In an interview with the Christian Science Monitor, INNOVIM’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Philip Ardanuy, shared his thoughts on the benefits of a collaboration between the European and the U.S. weather satellites.

The European Space Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) launch satellites at different times of the day, providing the equivalent of a 24-hour weather surveillance system. This continuous surveillance helps provide a more accurate view of the impeding weather, and helps provide a more accurate forecast.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) plans to launch JPSS-1 later this year, on the heels of the successful GOES-R (now called GOES-16) weather satellite launch in November. INNOVIM is proud to have been a part of both projects, and is currently working on other projects with NOAA. You can see all of our current openings on our job board.
You can read more about Dr. Ardanuy’s views in the Christian Science Monitor article.