Dr. Philip Ardanuy, INNOVIM, has been elected to serve as Program Chair for the Goddard Contractor’s Association (GCA) for the 2016-2017 term. He has responsibility for selecting and inviting key NASA guest speakers, in collaboration with the GCA Board, to address the Goddard Contractors Association monthly meetings.
Dr. Ardanuy, INNOVIM’s Chief Science Officer, brings to the GCA his 35 years of experience supporting weather and environmental satellite observations, scientific research, modeling, and decision support for NASA and NOAA, along with an abiding enthusiasm for the scientific endeavors of this and coming generations.
The GCA comprises leadership from more than 60 small and large businesses with active programs at Goddard Space Flight Center. The prime goal of the GCA is to serve as a medium for the exchange of information between NASA Goddard’s management and the GSFC contractor’s community. Members who attend these meetings include company presidents/officers, business development directors, program managers and engineers. In addition to our members, Goddard Center Director Chris Scolese and/or other staff from the GSFC Director’s office always attend our meetings.
The photograph was taken at the recent September meeting, and pictures Dr. Ardanuy (seated under the last “d” in Goddard) and, to his right, GSFC’s Goddard’s Deputy Director for Technology and Research Investments Dr. Cristyl Johnson, GCA’s President Georgie Brophie (GD-MS), and GCA Vice President Jonathan Kelly (SSAI). The others pictured represent many attending GCA member businesses.