INNOVIM’s own Ben Sautter was recently recognized as Outstanding Team Member of the Month for October 2019 by NOAA OSPO. Ben is the Archive Manager for our CLASS team, is responsible for day-to-day Archive operations of CLASS and routinely develops and deploys various tools to ensure the integrity of the Archive and facilitate its management. Among his many impressive accomplishments in this role, Ben is being lauded for his outstanding oversight and planning of the recent migration from LTO6 tapes to LTO8 tapes. This project, anticipated to take a full year to complete, was successfully completed in 165 days thanks to Ben’s leadership and meticulous planning. Recognized by the industry as a leader in Archive and Hierarchical Storage Manager processes, Ben recently attended the HPSS User’s Forum where he presented the migration plan and results so other sites can benefit from his experience and proven best practices.
Congratulations Ben! We are proud to have you on our team!